Thursday, May 5, 2011

Celluli.te and Prayer Request (not about my cell.ulite lol)

Ladies, I'm in a quandary.  I have cel.lulite on my thighs, butt, stomach, and I'm even starting to get it on my calves!  Who has ever heard of ce.llulite on CALVES?  I feel like I shouldn't have this much celluli.te at 22 years old (seriously, there's a lot), and I want to get rid of it.  I hope this isn't being vain.  My main motivation is to look good for my husband.  Do you have any advice about how to get rid of ce.llulite?  I'm not overweight (I'm underweight, in fact, which I'm working on), and I don't eat fast food or food from a box.  I've heard drinking lots and lots of water helps...does anybody know if that's true?  Because of the severe scoliosis in my lower back, many exercises that I've heard help don't work the muscles they're supposed to, and they make my hips crack and pop.  I don't have any exercise machines, or room for them in my apartment!  I wish I could swim to build muscle, but getting a membership at the Y is out of the question because it's so expensive.  I'm looking forward to your suggestions! :)  

I have yet another prayer request, but this time it's not for myself! :)  My friend B is agnostic, but really seems to be searching for the truth.  He was brought up in a good Protestant home, but fell away in the last couple of years or so.  He's incredibly smart, and his intellectual pride is getting in the way of finding God.  He says he's never seen God acting in his life, or had any experience of Him, and thinks everybody he talks to about this has a personal agenda.  Anyway, today at 4 EST, he's meeting with a priest! :)  Please, please pray this meeting goes well!  Boomz and I have heard great things about this priest from two of our FOCUS missionary friends, so I have high hopes! :)  Thank you all so much!


  1. about the cellulite - I started seeing more of it in my 20s, too! :-/ exercise helped though. I'm going to ask a friend of mine and my co-workers about exercises w/scoliosis and I'll email you whatever I find out!!!

    Prayers for your friend, how awesome! :)

  2. I have no advice on the cellulite! (frustrating how our bodies can do this stuff to us. I was noticing crow's feet the other day. Crow's feet!! And I am only 30!). I pray your friend is open to grace and truth in this conversation with the priest. I think certain temperaments struggle with different things, and some struggle more with the kind of pride you describe than others. I've had friends say similar things to me, and although it can be frustrating to hear it, I think these guys have a softer inner core that IS open, at least at various points in their lives. I pray now is that time!

  3. You can get a Y membership for free for volunteering. Our Y requires 4 hours a week which I work in their drop in nursery. I LOVE their work out equipment, it's awesome!

  4. I will pray for your friend!!
    About the cellulite... can you do squats? My thighs (and rear, ha!) are much more toned after I started a training program that uses them a lot.

  5. Lifting weights helps! (Even just small 5 lb. weights.) Prayers for your friend!

  6. I have cellulite all over too, but I am too lazy to be vain. Ha ha!

  7. I would say exercise is the best way to combat cellulite. Walking is free! ;) I have scoliosis too and Pilates helps me stay fit. You can check your library for books or DVDs on Pilates. Once you learn a few basic exercises it is easy enough, you just need to be aware of your what your body is doing.

    That is a good tip from Olya regarding free Y membership.
