Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity

Tomorrow is the feast day of two of my favorite saints-St. Perpetua and St. Felicity!  I've loved them (especially St. Felicity) ever since I first read the account of their martyrdom.  I was even planning on taking the name Sr. Felicity Marie when I was discerning my vocation in the convent!  

St. Perpetua was a noblewoman in the 3rd century, and St. Felicity was a slave (I think I've read accounts that Felicity was Perpetua's servant, but now I can't find any that say that).  Both of the saints were mothers-St. Felicity gave birth while in jail!-and both were martyrs.  They're so, so amazing!  Please look up their story and ask for their intercession tomorrow! :) 

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, pray for us!  


  1. I love St. Perpetua! She was the one who send "when are they letting out the wild ox" and her friends told that she was already bleeding from being gored, right?

  2. Yes, that's her! :) She is so amazing!

  3. I love them both too!!! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

  4. LOVE them!! My little miscarried baby is Felicity! And, fellow blogger Lisa Graas gave me that exact icon of them in honor of our friendship. Those women were REAL WOMEN!! Love, love, love them!

  5. I always look forward to their feast day. Thanks for posting this. I have been trying to convince my husband (ever since we were dating!) that Perpetua would make a great first/middle name for a future daughter. :)
