Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just like this beautiful lady said, today I'm going to think about all of the gifts God HAS given me. I'm no saint, so I'm not thankful for the cross of my infertility (yet! With God's grace, someday I will be able to praise Him even through this suffering), but I AM grateful for: 

The gift of faith
My wonderful husband, who is in the kitchen cooking as I type :)
My family, who gave me a sense of right and wrong 
The adorable small town where we live 
The friends having us over for dinner tonight
All of my wonderful blogging ladies (fertile and infertile!)
My cute fedora lol
Living in the United States
The new Mass translation! Woohoo!
Life. :)

God bless you all! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Giveaway! :)

The lovely Hallie Lord is having a Ap.ple giveaway over at Betty Beguiles! I have a few dresses from them and absolutely adore them, so I'm pretty darn excited about this giveaway! :)
